Dirk Verwoerd

Dirk Verwoerd has been working as an independent professional photographer since 1982. First under the name Verwoerd Photography and later, when the business grew and had extra staff, he developed in video, webdesign and multimedia as well under the name Lighthouse Productions. Initially he worked as an advertising photographer for various advertising agencies and major retailers, but soon he was able to combine his studio photography with photography for KLM. He flew all around the world and was inspired by the diversity in places and cultures. His photography for KLM didn’t go unnoticed: soon he was asked to work for the travelagency HT Wandelreizen which took him to the farthest corners of the world

The past twenty years Dirk Verwoerd focuses more and more on his other specialism and passion: architecural photography. He works for architectural firms, real estate companies and housing corporations. His love for travelling will never fade however, therefore he combines travel- and architectural photography whenever possible.

Wish to get in touch? Call (+31)(0)33 461 57 57 or send an e-mail! Looking forward to hearing from you.